Rabbi Ahron Lopiansky

Harav Ahron Lopiansky is Rosh Yeshiva of the Yeshiva Gedola of Greater Washington. In addition to giving daily shiurim at the Yeshiva, Rav Lopiansky is sought after as an international lecturer and an accomplished author. Rav Lopiansky's breadth of knowledge on the widest array of topics in both Limudei Kodesh and Limudei Chol make his shiurim all the more inspiring and fascinating. Rav Lopiansky has written a number of seforim in both Hebrew and English as well as a Siddur mefurash.

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Bein HaMeitzarim 5779 The Essence of Galus (Melbourne Kollel by Skype, July 31, 2019) Chizuk 43 min
Being There For Others (5779, For the shloshim of a suicide) Chizuk 16 min
Bringing The Torah To Others - Hachnasas Sefer Torah Seudah Chizuk 22 min
Personal Lessons From The Walder Tragedy Chizuk 15 min
RAL 5777 Appreciating The Tzelem; Root Of All Mitzvot (Pittsburgh) (04-22-17) Chizuk 32 min
Reaching Out & Staying Anchored (To CKD) Chizuk 71 min
Speaking to our Students About Covid Coronavirus 41 min
The Good In Everything (Yom Hashishi, 5779) Chizuk 6 min
The Kollel As A Mikva Chizuk 19 min
The Need To Make It Real (Reishit 2779) Chizuk 13 min
A Note On Kabalah (Derech Chaim Perek 5 , Mishna 19 Part 4) Mysticism 4 min
16 Intro To Judaism (Yesodei HaTorah VII 1) Kiruv 0 min
Chinese and a Movie and Other Halachos of December 25th Kiruv 70 min
Kiruv For Everyone [Shabbos In Chicago, Recorded later, 10-30-15] Kiruv 38 min
M'Kabetz Nidchei Amo Yisroel Kiruv 41 min
Moshiach - Ikkar and Tufel Moshiach 39 min
On Mashiach (Headlines) Moshiach 28 min
Honoree Speech; Yeshiva Of Greater Washington 20'th Anniversary Dinner 5775 Philosophy 32 min
The Second Commandment and Dealing With Societal Pressure (Portland 5778) Philosophy 31 min
Three Levels of Mishkan, and Life Philosophy 15 min
07b Yesodei Hatorah (I-10) (For Beginners) Religion 36 min
10a Yesodei Hatorah (II-11,12) (For Beginners) Religion 25 min
Da'as Torah Religion 36 min
Intro To Judaism #01 (Yesodei HaTorah I 1) (Oct. 28) Religion 38 min
Intro To Judaism #02 (Yesodei HaTorah I 1,2,3) (Oct. 28) Religion 38 min