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כ׳ שבט תשפ״ה
/ Feb 18, ‘25
Sifrei Kodesh
Rabbi Yitzchak Scher
Ki Setzei
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Zachor - Amalek and Moshe's Staff
Length: 30 min
A Second Look
After Yaakov's Passing
- Rabbi Yitzchak Scher
Akeidas Yitzchak 1
- Rabbi Yitzchak Scher
Akeidas Yitzchak 2
- Rabbi Yitzchak Scher
Akeidas Yitzchak 3
- Rabbi Yitzchak Scher
Asara B'Teves- the tragedy of Translation
- Rabbi Yitzchak Scher
Avraham - Famine, Lot
- Rabbi Yitzchak Scher
Beshalach - 12 springs and 70 date palms
- Rabbi Yitzchak Scher
Beshalach - Bnei Yisroel's circuitous route
- Rabbi Yitzchak Scher
Beshalach - Masah Umerivah
- Rabbi Yitzchak Scher
Beshalach - Miracle of the Mon
- Rabbi Yitzchak Scher
Beshalach - on the banks of the yam suf
- Rabbi Yitzchak Scher
Beshalach - The Bitter Waters of Marah
- Rabbi Yitzchak Scher
Beshalach - The Mechanics of the Mon
- Rabbi Yitzchak Scher
Beshalach- The Battle Against Amalek
- Rabbi Yitzchak Scher
Birth of Esav and Yaakov
- Rabbi Yitzchak Scher
Blessing Ephraim and Menashe
- Rabbi Yitzchak Scher
Bo - The Night of the Exodus
- Rabbi Yitzchak Scher
Bris Bein HaBesarim 1
- Rabbi Yitzchak Scher
Bris Bein HaBesarim 2
- Rabbi Yitzchak Scher
Chanukah - Hashem's Children
- Rabbi Yitzchak Scher
Eliezer and Rivka
- Rabbi Yitzchak Scher
Emor - The Mekalel (Blasphemer)
- Rabbi Yitzchak Scher
Intro to Avraham
- Rabbi Yitzchak Scher
Intro to Shemos
- Rabbi Yitzchak Scher
- Rabbi Yitzchak Scher
Kayin and Hevel
- Rabbi Yitzchak Scher
Ki Sisa - Response to Chet Ha'egel
- Rabbi Yitzchak Scher
Ki Sisa- The Chet Ha'Egel
- Rabbi Yitzchak Scher
Lavan's Parting Kiss
- Rabbi Yitzchak Scher
Moshe Saved from the Nile
- Rabbi Yitzchak Scher
Moshe's Birth
- Rabbi Yitzchak Scher
Noach Part 1
- Rabbi Yitzchak Scher
Noach Part 2
- Rabbi Yitzchak Scher
Offerings of the Nesiim
- Rabbi Yitzchak Scher
Purchase of Meoras HaMachpela
- Rabbi Yitzchak Scher
Shelach- the Mekosheh Etzim
- Rabbi Yitzchak Scher
Shemini - Nadav and Avihu
- Rabbi Yitzchak Scher
Shemos - Ahron greets Moshe (also Rosh chodesh)
- Rabbi Yitzchak Scher
Shemos - Approaching the Burning Bush
- Rabbi Yitzchak Scher
Shemos - Moshe and Tziporah
- Rabbi Yitzchak Scher
Shemos - Moshe at the Bush
- Rabbi Yitzchak Scher
Shemos - Moshe Flees to Midyan
- Rabbi Yitzchak Scher
Shemos - Moshe's first encounter with paroh
- Rabbi Yitzchak Scher
Shemos - Moshe's Return
- Rabbi Yitzchak Scher
Shemos - Moshe's Sons
- Rabbi Yitzchak Scher
Shemos - Moshe's Youth
- Rabbi Yitzchak Scher
Shemos - The Turning Point
- Rabbi Yitzchak Scher
Sin of Adam and Chava
- Rabbi Yitzchak Scher
Sodom and Lot's Daughters part 1
- Rabbi Yitzchak Scher
Sodom and Lot's Daughters part 2
- Rabbi Yitzchak Scher
Tamuz- Opportunities Lost
- Rabbi Yitzchak Scher
The Origins of Slavery
- Rabbi Yitzchak Scher
Tower of Bavel
- Rabbi Yitzchak Scher
Would we still be slaves in Egypt
- Rabbi Yitzchak Scher
Yaakov and Esav 2
- Rabbi Yitzchak Scher
Yaakov and Esav 3
- Rabbi Yitzchak Scher
Yaakov and Esav 4
- Rabbi Yitzchak Scher
Yaakov's Burial in Eretz Yisroel
- Rabbi Yitzchak Scher
Yaakov's Death
- Rabbi Yitzchak Scher
Yaakovs Deal for Rachel
- Rabbi Yitzchak Scher
Yisro - Yisro's Arrival and Advice
- Rabbi Yitzchak Scher
Zachor - Amalek and Moshe's Staff
- Rabbi Yitzchak Scher
What Is A Mitzvah?
- Rabbi Yitzchak Scher
Is there a blessing for the President?
- Rabbi Yitzchak Scher
Beis Hamikdash- The Center Of Our Lives
- Rabbi Yitzchak Scher
Giving Our Lives Al Kiddush Hashem
- Rabbi Yitzchak Scher
Living As An Angel
- Rabbi Yitzchak Scher
Moshe The Faithful Servant & Our Own Faith
- Rabbi Yitzchak Scher
Yissachar - A Portrait Of A Talmid Chacham
- Rabbi Yitzchak Scher
Yosef And Yehuda- Perfection & Penitence
- Rabbi Yitzchak Scher
The Moon, the Sun and The Eclipse
- Rabbi Yitzchak Scher
Torah Perspective on Summer Vacations
- Rabbi Yitzchak Scher
Shiur 099 - Ki Seitzei: Aveilus & Ahava
- Rabbi Ahron Lopiansky
Living in the present- teshuva (ki seitzei 5768)
- Rabbi Eliyahu Reingold
Ki Setzei - 5774
- Rabbi Ahron Lopiansky
Parshas D06 Ki Seitzei 5772
- Rabbi Eliyahu Reingold
Parshas D06 Ki Seitzei 5774
- Rabbi Eliyahu Reingold
Ki Setzei - 5759
- Rabbi Ahron Lopiansky
Ki Setzei - 5760
- Rabbi Ahron Lopiansky
Ki Setzei - 5761
- Rabbi Ahron Lopiansky
Ki Setzei - 5764
- Rabbi Ahron Lopiansky
Ki Setzei - 5765
- Rabbi Ahron Lopiansky